Business measures

„Expo sertifikatas LT“

Budget of the measure: EUR 0,12 million.

Applicants: SMEs (small and medium enterprises).

Partners: none.

Financed activities:
Certification of products and services intended for export.

Eligible expenses:
Expenses related to the certification of products and services intended for export.  

„Dizainas LT“

Budget of the measure: EUR 4,2 million.

Applicants: SMEs.

Partners: none.

Financed activities:
Product design development.  
Eligible expenses:
1) Product design development;
2) Development of graphic design.
Design is the visual presentation of a whole product or its part that is comprised of the specific qualities of the product and/or its ornamentation: lines, shapes, colours, form, texture and/or material.
A product is an object produced industrially or manually, including the components of a complex product, package, design, graphical symbols and fonts, except for computer software.
A complex product is a product comprised of components, which may be changed by disassembling and reassembling the product (sets of products, compositions).
Objective (outcome): SME, which is granted financing, must present evidence that the newly developed design has been successfully used and is producing tangible benefits, i.e., company productivity is growing as is the income from product sold, for which the design solution was developed. Newly developed designs must be registered as provided by EU and national legislation and introduced within 3 (5) years from project implementation.

Eligible expenses:
Expenses of SMEs producing a product or providing a service related to:
- Product design development;
- Development of graphic design.

„Eco-inovacijos LT+“

Budget of the measure: EUR 64,6 million. 

Applicants: very small, small and medium enterprises (developing and advanced business).

Partners: none.

Financed activities:
Investment into tangible assets (equipment), which reduce negative environmental effect of economic activity, promote industrial symbiosis and ensure continuous environmental effect, i.e., investment into innovation (and introduction) of cleaner production, which uses the following methods of rational use of resources and pollution prevention:
1. Process modernization (optimization) with a view to reduce negative environmental effect and/or conserve natural resources. Main technological processes as well as auxiliary technological processes may be optimized.
2. Change of equipment: modification of existing production equipment in order to improve process efficiency and to reduce pollution.
3. Change of technology: modification of technology and treatment processes and/or synthesis of the above in order to reduce pollution and consumption of natural resources during production process.
4. Change of raw materials: replacement of existing raw materials or auxiliary materials by low toxicity or renewable materials or using such auxiliary materials, which would have a longer effect on the process, i.e., lower consumption of materials.
5. Change of the product: modification of qualities of a product to reduce the environmental effect of the product during its consumption or after its landfilling or to reduce the environmental effect of production of the product.
6. Waste recovery: reuse of production waste in the same process that generated it or for other purposes within the company.
7. Waste recycling: recycling the waste into new products in the company that generated the waste.
Eligible expenses:
- Expenses for modernization (optimization) of the following processes: use of surplus heat (recuperation, regeneration), illumination, production and supply of thermal energy, ventilation, conditioning, humidification, production and supply of cooling energy; water, wastewater treatment, etc.
- Expenses for equipment installation (equipment that does not produce or produces little waste; redesigned equipment or production lines so that they produce less waste; equipment improving running efficiency as well as equipment eliminating the causes of leaks and spills, etc.).
- Expenses related to installation of technology necessary for use of energy waste (e.g., packages, biologically degradable waste, etc.) to obtain energy in companies, if energy obtained from combustion of waste alone or together with other waste or fuel is used for domestic uses of the companies (not supplying the energy to energy networks of the country).
- Expenses related to installation of technologies necessary to change the raw materials, modify the product or reuse and recycle the waste in companies so that pollution and consumption of natural resources in production process was reduced.
- Wages, if the company business is regional (expenses eligible for financing include the expenses for wages of two years arising from jobs created by initial investment).
- Training of employees working with introduced technologies (cross-financing) (de minimis).

„Eco-inovacijos LT“

Budget of the measure: EUR 1,7 million. 

Applicants: very small, small and medium enterprises.

Partners: none.

Financed activities:
1. Introduction of environmental management systems according to the requirements of international environmental standards and/or production technology and/or environmental audits, which present a feasibility analysis of rational use of resources and innovation in the area of pollution prevention (de minimis).
2. Development of product design using eco-design tools with regard to economic, environmental and social aspects; sustainable design marketing solutions; registration of such designs (de minimis).
Eligible expenses:
- Expenses related to introduction of environmental management systems according to requirements of international environmental standards.
- Expenses related to conducting production technology audits and/or environmental audits.
- Expenses related to developing an eco-design (for a product or service, for its design/development in order to improve the life cycle of a product/service, choosing appropriate materials and production methods, providing for the reuse or recycling of materials/products, possibilities of conservation of resources, etc.

Areas of eco-innovative design: reducing product weight; reducing packaging; increased recycling possibilities; increased durability; increased energy efficiency; replacing hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials, etc.
- Expenses related to sustainable design marketing solutions.
- Expenses related to registration of eco-design.

„Savivaldybes jungiančių turizmo trasų ir turizmo maršrutų informacinės infrastruktūros plėtra“

Budget of the measure: EUR 1,03 million. 

Applicants: Municipal budgetary institutions/public entities. 

Partners: none. 

Financed and Eligible activities:
Signs (with the exception of large information signs at the most important tourism destinations), links, information stands and other information infrastructure design, manufacture, installation.

Eligible costs:
- the material investments (except for buildings and vehicles acquisition);
- structural engineering costs;
- thehe implementation of the project required the acquisition cost of purchased services;
- costs directly arising from the award of the contract specifications: assets, the acquisition of which the support is awarded, insurance costs (only for the project implementation period); project publicity costs; overheads.

For more information contact us:
tel.: (+370 5) 268 7411;
e-mail: [email protected]

Last updated: 14-01-2019

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