

Project New Diagnostics of Prostate Cancer by Diagnolita company financed by EU structural funds LVPA administered measure Intelect/Common Projects of Business and Science got award for effectiveness in medicine in 13th European Sails awards for EU structural funds financed projects.

Company created new non-invasive diagnostics test using urine sample, helping patients to avoid painful biopsy procedure.

Diagnolita director Julius Gagilas noted that EU funding definitely speeds up the development of medical and bio technologies.

„It encourages companies to invest in biotechnologies. In order to move with leaders we have to promote research in genomics and transcryptomics, which are of utmost importance for personalized medicine“, – emphasizes Mr Gagilas.

LVPA director Aurimas Želvys is sure that the need to strengthen and promote development of Lithuanian health care is permanent and will gain importance in the future.

„Although now we concentrate on fighting pandemic, we have to for solutions to other health problems. Success stories of Lithuanian companies show the vast potential  we have in health and bio technologies. We see and support long term vision of Diagnolita to change prostate cancer diagnostics“, – claims Mr Želvys.

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