
New (EU) investment projects for business to encourage resolving issues highlighted by COVID-19

„Now it is time, when investment projects planned by government and ministries will be announced while we move into new financial perspective of 2021-2027. During a short period of time businesses can plan actions for two-three years ahead“- said director of Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LVPA) Aurimas Želvys.

According to him, there will be new possibilities for companies with new solutions to deal with COVID-19 situation. Companies, especially small and medium, oriented towards better client experience, could think of new opportunities as well. That was a message to business delivered during discussion Restart! Business 2020 organized by Verslo Žinios on Thursday.

Would be EU investment project E-business model COVID-19 was received by business with substantial interest. Preliminary the call for proposals is expected in December, with planned budget of EUR 60 m.

„We talk about possibilities to implement new business models, which include e-solutions“ – claimed director of LVPA.

Call for another project named Creative Cheques COVID-19 is expected in December, worth EUR 7 m. It is design oriented project aimed at helping companies to create and implement original product solutions.

Calls for some other projects are expected in October and are oriented towards solving problems caused by COVID-19:

·        COVID-19 Scientific Research and Experimental Development should help certifying new products and technologies; planned budget – EUR 30 m;
·        COVID-19 Products LT, worth EUR 31 m, is expected to help production oriented towards fight with  COVID-19;
·        Smart FDI with EUR 27 m should help attracting innovative companies from Belarus and other countries. 

 „A gap between region around the capital city and remaining Lithuania is really large, so in the future we have to invest to middle and western Lithuania. 

Currently we are close to the end of new EU financial perspective planning negotiations. We understand we have to do everything possible, and more than that. It is important to keep the pace, watch closely, how business is doing, reduce administrative burden as much as possible and quickly find a common language“, – claims Mr Želvys.

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