

Today, the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the consent to reorganise Všį Versli Lietuva (Public Institution Enterprise Lithuania) by merging it with Všį Lietuvos verslo paramos agentūra (Public Institution Lithuanian Business Support Agency) came into force.

Public Institution Enterprise Lithuania will be reorganised by a merger with the public institution Lithuanian Business Support Agency, which will continue its activities under a new name – Všį Inovacijų agentūra (Public Institution Innovation Agency) after the reorganisation.
The Ministry of Economy and Innovation will implement the rights and obligations of the state as the owner of the Public Institution Lithuanian Business Support Agency, which will continue its activities under the new name after the reorganisation.
The two institutions will work jointly in continuing the reorganisation process – they will notify all creditors of the reorganisation, agree on the terms and conditions of the reorganisation and the statutes, and provide consultations with works councils. The reorganisation is scheduled to be completed in April 2022.

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