

On June 29, remote training for project promoters under the funding measures ‘Incentives for the Cultural and Creative Industries Sector to Create Competitive Cultural Products’ and ‘Incentives to Improve the Infrastructure of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)’ took place.
The specialists of the Innovation Agency who attended the event explained all aspects of the implementation of EU-funded projects. Sandra Leiburė, Chief Project Manager in the Business Sustainability Projects Division of the Innovation Agency, explained in detail the implementation of project contracts; Tomas Vitkauskas, Head of the Project Experts Division, reviewed procurements of non-contracting authorities (NCAs) and their specificities; Birutė Makuškienė, Head of the Project Finance Division, explained the peculiarities of procurement of financing instruments.
The questions from participants were also answered during the training.
A total of 88 applications were received during the call for EUR 13.41 million – the amount that tripled the budget of EUR 4.16 million allocated for the measure. The average value of the project is EUR 249,000; the average amount of the requested financing is EUR 144,000. EU investments will reach the majority of beneficiaries in the form of de minimis aid. Most of the support funds go to the project promoters of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda counties, who submitted almost 90% of all applications.
The training materials are available via the following links:
  • Slides, Q&A, links to video and audio recordings can be found here
  • Video recording on YouTube
  • Audio recording on SoundCloud

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