

The call for proposals for the measure ‘Incentives to improve the infrastructure of cultural and creative industries enterprises’ (Paskatos gerinti kultūros ir kūrybinių industrijų įmonių infrastruktūrą) launched by the Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LBSA) and the Ministry of Culture has ended.

‘By encouraging the creative sector to invest in infrastructure, we hope to help overcome the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and to prepare for an environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic recovery’, said Saulius Merkys, Acting Director of the LBSA.

During the three-month application period, eighty-eight applications were received. The requested support amounts to EUR 13,409,650.19. The measure is financed by the European Regional Development Fund React-EU and has a budget of EUR 4.16 million.

‘The amount of funding requested in the applications ranges from EUR 100,000 to EUR 800,000, with the average amount of eligible costs of the projects submitted being EUR 266,000. The average amount of funding requested is EUR 152,000. Depending on the nature of the activities to be implemented, the projects will be financed with an intensity of up to 70–80%’, says Giedrė Indriulienė, Head of Business Sustainability Projects Division of the LBSA.

She points out that a preliminary analysis of the submitted applications shows the same trends as in the call for proposals for another measure, ‘Incentives for the cultural and creative industries sector to develop competitive cultural products’ (Paskatos kultūros ir kūrybinių industrijų sektoriui kurti konkurencingus kultūros produktus), which ended a month ago – the majority of applications were submitted under the de minimis regulation, with applicants from large cities being the most likely to take advantage of the measure.

As the number of applications is significantly higher than the funds available for the measure and no additional funding is foreseen, the LBSA will start the evaluation of the submitted applications from the benefit-quality assessment phase. The eligibility assessment will be carried out only for the applications with the highest benefit and quality scores and sufficient funding for the call (EUR 4.16 million). The LBSA encourages applicants to follow the information on the data sharing website (DSW) closely.

The objective of the measure is to encourage micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) to develop new digital products, and services and products for the circular economy by investing in the infrastructure necessary for the development of CCI products.

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