

As already announced, the LBSA is waiting for applications from those wishing to receive EU funding under the ‘Expo Certificate LT’ measure as of 28 February 2022.

The aim of the measure is to promote the internationalisation of enterprises by financing investments for the certification of products intended for export. The measure has an allocation of EUR 1 million. The largest project can expect up to EUR 100,000 and the lower limit of funding is EUR 5,000. EU investment in a project can represent up to 50% of the total eligible costs. The measure is targeted at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The opportunity to certify the products to be exported will be provided after granting funding for the selected projects.

The applications will be accepted until the end of 31 March 2022.

Distance training took place on 9 March 2022 for anyone wishing to apply under this measure. Its features and export opportunities for business were presented by Rimantė Laurinavičiūtė, Senior Project Manager of Business Promotion Projects Division of the LBSA. Gytis Petrukaitis, Advisor of the Project Expert Group of the LBSA, spoke about state aid requirements. The participants’ questions were also answered during the event.

Here are the links to the training materials:

Presentation slides and Q&A, click here.

Video recording (Facebook, YouTube (better quality)).

Audio recording (SoundCloud), click here.

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